Prior to cryonic suspension
For an optimal suspension, preparatory procedures (referred to as SST) are required prior to suspension. See below. As these procedures involve expertise other than what is available at a storage facility, they are NOT performed by Southern Cryonics. However, our sister company CryoPath may be engaged on your behalf by arrangement. See Funding FAQ.

Monitoring by emergency response team until legal death is pronounced. With the aim of starting stabilisation of the patient’s deceased body and brain as soon as possible. Performed prior to suspension by CryoPath.

Cooling, CPR support for minimal brain function, and perfusion with cryoprotectant by medical professionals. With the aim of limiting ischaemic injury to the brain and so minimising functional damage. Performed prior to suspension by CryoPath.

Maintenance at dry-ice temperature throughout the trip to Southern Cryonics. With the aim of keeping the body in its temporarily stable state until vitrification can be achieved. Performed prior to suspension by CryoPath.
Cryonic suspension

Cryonic suspension is performed by Southern Cryonics after the preparatory procedures described above. It involves encasing of the body, deeper cooling to a vitrified state over several days, placement head-downward in a stainless-steel vessel or ‘dewar’ designed especially for cryopreservation, and long-term maintenance of a liquid-nitrogen storage environment in the dewar. This environment can essentially prevent deterioration of the tissues for centuries if necessary.
More detail on the cryonic process
At both Southern Cryonics and CryoPath, procedures are based on those of cryonic facilities in USA who are well established and have a renowned reputation. The USA websites provide detailed information on the cryonic process:
Alcor Life Extension Foundation
Other overseas facilities also provide further information on cryonics:
What is the scientific opinion on cryonics?
‘Why Cryonics Makes Sense’, a well-researched article by Tim Urban on the ‘Wait But Why’ blog. This article comprehensively discusses cryonics. It includes a review of the range of scientific opinion on cryonics, and gives the responses from those who are most familiar with the technology because they perform cryonic suspensions.
‘The Science Surrounding Cryonics,’ an MIT Technology Review article.
‘At What Moment are You Dead?’, a 5-minute TED-Ed lesson by Randall Hayes
‘The Three Camps of Brain Preservation’, an introduction to the technologies and options, written by John Smart from the Brain Preservation Foundation
‘The Engines of Creation’, a book by Eric Drexler, written in 1986 — see Chapter 9 on Cryonics
A signed open letter about cryonics from 62 distinguished scientists
‘Will Cryonics Work? Examining the Probabilities’, scholarly essays by Stephen Harris M.D. and Mike Perry Ph.D.
Why does Australia need a cryonics facility?
There are several cryonics facilities overseas, but these are geographically remote from Australia: in USA, Russia, China and Switzerland. Southern Cryonics fills the need for a cryonics facility in our local region:
- In Australia, our remoteness from overseas facilities complicates the transportation process, with long flights and multiple opportunities for administrative delays.
- Because delays can compromise the controlled temperature conditions that are required after perfusion with cryoprotectants, an overseas suspension is more risky than a local suspension.
- A different legal system and an inconsistent application of laws, especially to foreigners, can cause further uncertainties.
- Payments, either by life insurance policy or lump sum, are subject to exchange rate risks. And high transportation charges add to the total cost.
What other organisations exist in Australia to support cryonics?
Joining a cryonics organization
by Peter Tsolakides
What is the prospect of revival?
by Peter Tsolakides
Peter Tsolakides
Founder, Director, Chairman
Peter became interested in cryonics after reading Robert Ettinger’s book ‘The Prospect of Immortality’ in the late 1960s, and thought that, by now, cryonics would be widely available — sadly this is not the case. He has degrees in Science (chemistry) and Business Administration.
Peter worked in the marketing organization of a major multi-national oil company for over 30 years, with 24 years of overseas assignments including Thailand, Singapore, Japan and USA, where he held progressively more senior management roles. His main career path has been in strategic planning, project development planning and major project implementation management. Before leaving to progress personal business activities in 2008, he managed a gate-keeping team of high-level executives in USA, which vetted global capital projects totalling $1B and other projects (e.g. divestments) with value of further $1B.
Since then, Peter has owned and managed a private consulting firm. Currently, he is progressing personal projects to make cryonics more accessible and widespread.
George Tsolakides
Founder, Director
George is an experienced mechanical engineer who has held a wide range of positions, including management. He has been a Director in several organisations mainly involved with corporate recruitment. George is now retired and has worked in non-profit organisations using his recruitment background to help less fortunate people find suitable employment. He is also a Founder and Director of our sister cryonics organisation, CryoPath, which is involved in standby, stabilisation and transportation of cryonics patients from the hospital bed to their chosen facility in Australia or USA.
Graham van der Merwe
Founder, Director
Graham is a civil engineer who currently heads a successful business as CEO. His wealth of experience in the management of large engineering projects over many years has given him a sound business acumen and strong leadership skills. Graham has an abiding interest in cryonics and became actively involved with the Southern Cryonics team once he learned of their plans to construct a local facility. His technical expertise proved invaluable there, and his initial work is continually backed up with a close collaboration on the operational side. From the inception, he has shown his strong commitment to the project by taking out several Founding and Full Memberships to cover his extended family.
Roy Edmond
Founder, Director
Roy has worked in a variety of organisations and has a financial background. He is a Director and has held various managerial and Director positions previously. His present position has added experience in the construction industry. Roy has a strong interest in cryonics and was one of the original Founding Members in our organisation. He has shown his strong commitment to the project by also signing on his mother as a Founding Member.
Mae Matthews
Founder, Director, Secretary
Mae developed a keen interest in cryonics towards the end of a corporate career in information technology (IT). Beginning her career with mainframe computer operation, she then moved into network support and subsequently followed a main career path in IT project management for over 20 years in the NSW Public Service. Throughout this time, her roles provided experience in business administration and team leadership at a senior level. Since retiring from the Public Service in 2014, Mae has actively returned to an early interest in design projects and is now able to combine this with her business experience in supporting emerging cryonics services in Australia.
Facility Manager
Phil Rhodes
Phil has been pursuing various non-profit projects in the fields of cryonics and life extension for 25 years, and currently heads both the Cryonics Association of Australasia (CAA) and the Neural Archives Foundation (NAF) as a Founder and Executive Director. He has a degree in Science (Zoology and Genetics) and began his working life in biomedical research for many years with The Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service and hospital pathology labs. This was followed by 35 years’ experience working as a software developer and IT network consultant to multiple small businesses.
Caretaker of Facility
Neil Britt
Neil lives near the Southern Cryonics facility and so is on hand to ensure that it is maintained in good operating condition. His role covers receiving deliveries of supplies, testing and cleaning of equipment, keeping of the grounds, and monitoring of security on a daily basis. And of course, coordination of activities when a new patient arrives and subsequently managing their suspension environment.
As a not-for-profit organisation, Southern Cryonics has benefited from the expertise of our Founding Members in various fields during its establishment. Going forward, we welcome contact from Members who would like to volunteer their knowledge and expertise, particularly in the fields of business management, medicine, science and construction.
Mission statement
Southern Cryonics is a non-profit enterprise, the first cryonics storage facility in the southern hemisphere, serving an area across all states and territories of Australia, as well as New Zealand. Our facility is located in Holbrook, NSW, Australia.
Our mission is:
- To promote and make widely available scientifically-based cryonic suspension as a credible option for life extension.
- To provide a professional ‘one-stop’ service that makes cryonic suspension affordable and readily available in Australia.
- To create a positive consumer awareness for scientifically-based cryonic suspension.
- To promote scientific research into cryonic suspension, revival, and life extension.
Site selection

Several factors determined the site selection for our facility in Holbrook, NSW:
- It is zoned appropriately for our regulatory requirements as a cemetery.
- It is equally accessable for patient delivery from our most populous cities, Sydney and Melbourne, either by air or road transport.
- It is situated on the Hume Highway, a major transport route which is already used for deliveries of liquid nitrogen to hospitals and universities in larger towns.
- Being relatively remote from densely populated areas, it will not be adversely affected by rapid property development and has a low crime rate.
- It poses a low risk from natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods and bushfires.
Future construction

Stage 1 (the warehouse module) has been completed and is sufficient for an operational facility. Stage 2 (the office module) will be added later when budget constraints allow. It is not critical to the operation.
Capacity for patients
The land is 3,300 sq m in area. The stage 1 warehouse is 100 sq m and can support about 40 patients. Based on current mortality tables and our expected number of members, it will take about 28 years to fill those 40 spots.
The current warehouse building is easily scalable, i.e. warehouse modules of 100 sq m or more can be added as needed. Using our current construction method, the land can support about 600 patients. This storage capacity is forecast to be reached in 100 years. Using other construction methods in the future, such as building underground or adding a second storey, or by acquiring new adjacent land, the storage capacity could be significantly increased.
Visitor access
Clients of Southern Cryonics and their families may visit the facility by appointment. As the facility is a secured site, Southern Cryonics reserves the right to determine the hours of access depending on the availability of staff to accompany visitors. To request a visit, please contact Southern Cryonics.
Everyone involved with Southern Cryonics intends to be cryonically suspended, so we are diligent in maintaining management practices that give us the best possible chance of a successful suspension and eventual reanimation.
Our staff have been trained in the methods used by established cryonic organisations in USA for the suspension and maintenance of patients. We have also visited both Alcor and Cryonics Institute to learn about their operations, and we have a close working relationship with them.
We maintain a conservative investment outlook in managing our funds to achieve a reasonable return at minimum risk. We can do this because we have a long-term timeframe. As a non-profit, any surpluses are re-invested in the organisation. Our books are audited annually and are reviewed for Members at the AGM.
What are Founding Members and Full Members?
Founding Member. If someone joined before 31 March 2020, they made a non-refundable commitment of $50,000 to Southern Cryonics. The offer of Founding Membership was for initial investment in the project and is no longer available.
Full Member. If someone joined between 31 March 2020 and 6 July 2021, they made a non-refundable commitment of $70,000. The offer of Full Membership was for initial investment in the project and is no longer available.
The Constitution describes the entitlements for Founding and Full Members, i.e. very briefly that they will be entitled to one free suspension for themself OR anyone of their choosing, at the facility, after the operational commencement date (1 March 2024). (Note that suspension does not include preparatory SST procedures.) Founding and Full Members have voting rights.
What are Subscribers and Associate Members?
Subscriber. Now that Southern Cryonics is operational, membership is open to clients. Becoming a Subscriber requires the full suspension fee (usually funded through life insurance) plus a yearly subscription fee. A Subscriber does not have voting rights like Members.
Associate Member. A Subscriber becomes an Associate Member automatically (subject to Board approval) after 5 continuous years as a Subscriber after the Facility Commencement Date (see the Constitution). An Associate Member has voting rights.
You must be a Subscriber or Associate Member to have a Suspension Agreement, which describes your entitlements.
What are the benefits of becoming a Subscriber?
When you are on our books as a Subscriber:
- The cost of your suspension is significantly lower than for a non-Subscriber.
- All your relevant documentation can be signed and filed in readiness, enabling us to react quickly if you need a suspension. Otherwise, a waiting period applies while we obtain signatures on all the agreements, consents, etc.
- You have access to cryonics-specific policies with major Australian life insurance providers.
- And if you are not insurable, you have access to our advice on other suitable methods of finance.
- You have ready access to CryoPath, whom we can engage on your behalf for Standby, Stabilisation and Transportation. This makes your suspension as timely and effective as possible.
- You can help steer the direction of Southern Cryonics as an Associate Member after 5 years as a Subscriber.
- You are on our mailing list and receive updates of our activities.
Should I provide updates re my health status?
Yes, especially if it is deteriorating. As a Subscriber or Associate Member, if your Cryonic Suspension Agreement expresses your wish for us to liaise with an SST provider on your behalf, health updates allow us to prearrange the necessary logistics with local funeral directors and other relevant parties, reducing the chances of any unexpected complications in the suspension process.
What is the Emergency Number for?

As a Member or Subscriber with fully signed documentation and funding, we encourage you to give our Emergency Number to your representative and ask them to notify us when you are within three days of expected legal death. (The number must only be used for such emergencies and is not intended for routine enquiries.) Our clients are provided with a keyring tag (53 mm long) showing the number. Some clients have a personalised bracelet or pendant made at their own expense.
Note that your deceased body must be delivered to the Southern Cryonics facility. So on receiving an emergency call, we will first need to liaise with your SST provider. Both Members and Subscribers should advise us of their SST provider well before suspension. See The Cryonic Process.
How do I obtain life insurance?
A life insurance policy can cover both the Southern Cryonics suspension fee and your pre-suspension needs (SST). The amount of cover can be set depending on your SST requirements.
Our insurance broker deals with major Australian life insurance organisations and has experience sourcing suitable policies for cryonics. We can put you in touch after you become a Subscriber.
Can I use my existing life insurance policy?
Yes, if it meets the conditions necessary to ensure payment to us at the time of your suspension:
- The policy must be for yourself.
- The beneficiary must be named as Stasis Systems Australia Ltd (ACN 158 203 448),
- The amount for this beneficiary must cover the fees defined in your Cryonic Suspension Agreement.
- The policy should be indexed to cover increases in SST costs over time.
You will need to provide documentary evidence of the policy.
I currently live in New Zealand. Can I get a suitable life insurance policy?
Our insurance broker is unable to source a life insurance policy for a NZ resident. However, you may be able to find a provider. If not, some of our NZ clients consider relocating to Australia to solve the problem of life insurance.
Being based in Australia can also simplify the logistics of our SST provider (CryoPath) reaching you in time to stabilize your body for an optimal cryonic suspension in the event of your sudden death.
What if I am not insurable? Or what if I have existing funds?
If you wish to consider any of the following alternative payment options, contact Southern Cryonics:
- Pre-payment. This may be done via lump sum or installments, either by yourself or your trusted representative at any time prior to your suspension. We can advise on options to accomplish this efficiently. Note that sufficient time before your death is needed to engage any pre-arranged SST services, usually a few days.
- Your Will. At our discretion, we may offer a Premium Subscribership to certain clients who can demonstrate the availability of unencumbered assets and the capacity to make payment through their Will within an acceptable timeframe. Note that there are many complications with Wills, and you would not be able to mitigate these after your death. Your suspension could be seriously jeopardised. We would need to assess your situation to determine the likelihood of a good outcome.
Can I change my funding method?
Yes. This is done by submitting a new Cryonic Suspension Agreement. You would need to notify us of your intended change, and we can then send you a new Agreement for electronic signing. Such a change in funding method might be that because life insurance premiums are getting too expensive as you age, you might wish to reduce your insured sum and use a combination of life insurance and pre-payment. Or you might have the funds for full pre-payment in your later years.
How could I delegate my representative to make pre-payment in the future?
In either of the following cases, full payment is required for your SST and cryonic suspension to proceed. Ideally, your representative would make the payment within three days before your expected passing.
You would need to ensure that: additional funds are deposited in the account as you age, up to the required amount; the account earns interest at a reasonable rate so as to cover SST cost pressures in future years; the account’s payee list includes Southern Cryonics, with our payment details; the bank’s daily transfer limit is accommodated when payment is made; and your trusted representative knows what to do.
- Joint account. If you have a joint account with your spouse, they can make the payment if you should become terminally ill.
- Third-party access. Some clients set up a separate bank account dedicated solely for the funding of their cryonic suspension and/or SST. This account would be in your own name and would have third-party access for your trusted family member or other representative. Third-party access can be easily revoked, which can be more convenient for some clients than a joint account. This gives you control of the funds while you are still relatively young, and also caters for the event of your unexpected incapacity. If necessary, your representative can make the payment.
Why are pre-suspension procedures (SST) costed separately from the Cryonic Suspension Fee?
SST procedures involve preparation and delivery of your body prior to arrival at the Southern Cryonics facility. Because these procedures are outsourced and are provided on a pay-as-you-go basis at the time of your actual suspension, they are currently unknown and can only be estimated. So they must be funded separately from the Cryonic Suspension Fee as an additional cost. Our volunteers are unable to cover these costs for you at the time of your suspension if you do not fund them beforehand.
However, when SST procedures are provided to Subscribers / Associate Members by an organization with whom we have an established relationship (e.g. CryoPath), we are able to accept life insurance and some other payment methods on behalf of the provider to cover their cost. SST costs will vary depending on your location and we can assist you with an estimate. The unused balance will be returned to your estate or nominated representative.
Note that the entitlements of Founding Members and Full Members do not include SST services, so these must be funded at some time prior to suspension. We can advise on options to accomplish this efficiently.
Are pre-suspension procedures (SST) available for a Southern Cryonics client when living / travelling overseas?
There are two possibilities for a Southern Cryonics client who needs a suspension while living or travelling outside of Australia.
If your SST funding (e.g. life insurance) is sufficient to cover the cost of engaging an international provider of SST services, the current possibility would be to have your SST performed overseas, and then be brought back to Australia for suspension here. This would depend on the availability of SST services in the overseas location. In USA and Europe, it is quite straightforward. In both those locations, there is excellent SST capability. In other countries, arrangements could be made, but the services would most likely not be as rapid as what could be done in USA and Europe.
Note that the same issue would apply, no matter which cryonics organisation you had a suspension agreement with.
A second possibility may become available in the future, namely that many countries with cryonics operations will have reciprocal relationships with us in Australia. As well as ourselves, other cryonics organisations have expressed interest in implementing this type of reciprocal arrangement for their travelling members.
Is revival covered by the Cryonic Suspension Fee?
Generally, yes. Our funds are invested prudently to provide a modest return above inflation over the long term, intended to consistently maintain a current funding level that will cover both storage care and revival.
However, we have no way of knowing what the revival component of the fee will be when a procedure becomes available, and therefore we cannot know whether we would have funds available to cover it for all Members. We assume that, like all fees for medical procedures, it will tend to reduce over time. So, if an initial fee for a safe revival is too high, we would need to wait until the fee was lower or an alternative affordable procedure became available.
Some of our clients are using a separate long-term Trust to cover any additional fee (if applicable) above the funds that Southern Cryonics would have available at the time. This could allow those clients to be revived earlier rather than waiting. We have a sister organization that provides different types of Trusts, ranging from pooled Trusts (the cheapest) to individual Trusts (the most expensive to setup).