A chance for life extension
A chance for life extension

Subscriber / Associate Membership open

With the impending opening of the Southern Cryonics facility, we intend to begin accepting Subscribers / Associate Members. Unless there are more Covid related or similar delays, we are planning to open late this year or very early next year. Most likely a soft opening first and then a bigger event later next year. The only step left is the installation of the special loading arm, and this is now already made, with installation tentatively scheduled for November.

This membership for Subscribers / Associate Members is the first step in subsequently organizing a suspension agreement with Southern Cryonics. From our website and information we had previously sent, the steps are as follows:

  1. The first step is to become a Subscriber / Associate Member of Southern Cryonics. This will be a simple form, and a cost of AU$350 per year. 
  2. This second step is the big one.  Complete the agreement for future suspension. Obtain life insurance or organize other payment methods.  As well as the agreement, complete the next-of-kin, informed consent, and religious objection to autopsy documents. This step is only available to Subscribers / Associate Members. We will of course assist with all the requirements of this step.
  3. And the third step is to plan the standby, stabilization and transportation (SST) typically through CryoPath, but you may use the organization of your choice. 

We will try to handle each of these steps in the specific order that people join us as Subscribers /Associate Members so early joining gives you priority in obtaining a suspension agreement. Also, early applications before we are open will not be subject to an application fee. The only payment will be the Subscriber / Associate Member subscription rate (AU$350 per year).

Please download an Application Form and a copy of the Stasis Systems Australia Ltd t/a Southern Cryonics Constitution which contains among other things the rules associated with Subscribers / Associate Members (mostly pages 9 and 11). Please read this, especially the sections about Subscribers and Associate Members. 

If you wish to join us on this exciting adventure, please follow the instructions on the Application Form and submit it to this email address or peter@southerncryonics.com. Your application will be reviewed after your subscription/membership payment has been made. Please make sure to include your name as a reference in the funds transfer. All payments will be confirmed by email.  

If you have any queries at all, please contact me.